not sure what's up

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not sure what's up

Post by eeek »

I keep getting where it can't connect. If I delete everything and add it back, it will work fine for a few days, sometimes a week, but it will go back to this. Is there a better fix?
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not sure what's up

Post by Glenn »


That is a bit odd, deleting the camera settings and re-adding shouldn’t change anything about downloading aspect. This starts again with every connection.

For some reason it can’t download that current file and fails; ideally it should just skip that file. It appears this is on the newly supported IF impact files.

However if it has been doing it for more than a week - it wouldn’t be these new files causing the issue because only 4.7.3 supports them,

For the moment I would re-order priority of download and put parking files last, that will download IF files last.
I’ll have a look and see if there is an issue with these files being locked/inaccessible which will need a update.

Few questions:
I presume the date and time of this file is from a while ago? It’s not current/present moment?
It also seems that you have tried to download a certain timedate ? Is that the case ?
A debug log showing the issue emailed to me at would be great if possible?

I've had a look at code handling, and the technical aspect here is there is often failures to download files - typically means that camera is no longer available (gone or powered off). The question is Skipping an individual file versus aborting whole downloading task/list of files. Obviously if camera gone, then continuing to download 100 files with timeouts of 2 minutes each would result in 200 minutes of trying... Will reconsider some of the logic.

But in 4.7.4 - Have added error 500/Internal Server error to skip file only, and then try next file == running some tests at moment!
(& need to test the IF file handling again)


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Re: not sure what's up

Post by eeek »

ok, fiddled with the order and that fixed it. Went to normal>events>manual>parking. What's the default setting for this? Is it possible it changed on its own?

And yes- I tried 'date download' not really knowing what it was, just as a troubleshooting test.

Since it's working now, do you still need the debug log? If so, how do I get it?

Thanks for your help with this; really appreciate it.
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not sure what's up

Post by Glenn »

Hi Thanks

Have had a good look, the new IF files are working fine - phew, which is good.

Probably a dodgy file on SD card which happens now and again.

Have made some big changes to downloading aspect for 4.8.0. Also adds counting down files remaining etc. Basically will try to download everything and when a single file fails will just move to next one. Issue is may delay detection of camera being gone/away - but hopefully not for too long.

Changes all done, and seem to be working well, and just running in some tests now. Will release to store after 24 hours of ‘burn-in’ testing.

As to questions:
Happy not to worry about debug log - unless continues - May be something haven’t considered.
- regardless to get it, click ? Question mark and open Log folder - should be there. Can turn on debug logging first to get more info/debug information.
Order wise - depends on preference no right or wrong answe.


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Re: not sure what's up

Post by eeek »

follow up here- first, gone is the in camera formatting. There is no easy way to format- which is just stupid on blackvue's part. You can change the time zone, which will format, but still. That said- I got the card out, formatted, and put it back in- no issues since. I really, really like the new changes you dropped in.

A few other questions- is it possible for you to see the data from the camera for the temp? I'd love to know what temp it is sitting at. Also, any possibility of doing the view for the read camera?
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Re: not sure what's up

Post by Glenn »

eeek wrote:follow up here- first, gone is the in camera formatting. There is no easy way to format- which is just stupid on blackvue's part. You can change the time zone, which will format, but still. That said- I got the card out, formatted, and put it back in- no issues since. I really, really like the new changes you dropped in.

A few other questions- is it possible for you to see the data from the camera for the temp? I'd love to know what temp it is sitting at. Also, any possibility of doing the view for the read camera?

Think I follow - had to re-read your message a few times!

The new changes will also probably deal with a dodgy file, sd-card read error much better. Well that was the aim.

Temp - I don’t believe so, but will check and would be nice addition to camera info if available.

Rear camera View? Already there.— just click on the front camera window to go to rear to front and back again (provided you have a 2 channel camera)


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Re: not sure what's up

Post by eeek »

Ah- thanks for those answers!

I'm not getting the rear w/ my 750X Plus- it just goes to the attempting to connect screen and only shows the front camera. Thoughts?
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Re: not sure what's up

Post by Glenn »

eeek wrote:Ah- thanks for those answers!

I'm not getting the rear w/ my 750X Plus- it just goes to the attempting to connect screen and only shows the front camera. Thoughts?

BVD decides you must have a rear camera if the model ID ends with a ‘2’.

What is your model ID? In google 750x plus seems has an option for 2 channels so suspect it is the one that breaks the rule, if you let me know model ID will update with (Have a couple of random time changes for pinging offline cameras coming up so doesn’t all happen at once)


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Re: not sure what's up

Post by eeek »

Yes- that's the case- the specific model name is "DR750X-2CH Plus"
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Re: not sure what's up

Post by Glenn »

eeek wrote:Yes- that's the case- the specific model name is "DR750X-2CH Plus"
Thanks - what’s the reported model ID in the camera details screen

model = 900X2

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