4.2.5 ChangeLog

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4.2.5 ChangeLog

Post by Glenn »

Further to this - & lacking specific info - I suspect you are referring the the Google Maps Elevation Profile only?

With Blackvue Downloader max reported speed and all the track (click on the path) data being accurate?

I have now seen this as I have found some previously not used GPS files, by other download options. Essentially it appears to be a Google Earth 'error' as it is not seen in other GPS mapping programs for KML or KMZ files (KMZ is a zip file of KML- can rename KML it to Zip and unextract as needed)

I believe I have a fix, which is to skip duplicate timedates, which will update soon to 4.2.5... prefer to test for a bit because some of the other changes are more major.

This also brings some cosmetic changes, but more notably scaling compatibility for all devices/scales aspects.

Hopefully all going well, in the store by Xmas...

Current Changelog Below:
4.2.5.png (141.95 KiB) Viewed 11008 times
Find the missing GPS files... missing from every other downloader option it seems...
Skip processing 0 byte gps files
Deal with occasional download fail mp4 video better (occasionally would have 0 byte mp4 files)
Fix for Speed Issues in Google Earth Profile view
(was Google Earth issue, not dealing with same datetime twice - as happened with Emerg/Manual Gps files)

Make Scaling/DPI Compatible - all windows.
Make Live Video Window Resizable as liked.
Don't delete gps data for 21 days total. To enable Processing GPS files well into past, even if only storing tiny amounts of video.
Significant Cosmetic changes
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